Jennifer Faye with RANCHER TO THE RESCUE – and a GIVEAWAY!


It gives me great pleasure to welcome debut Harlequin Mills and Book author Jennifer Fay to MBB today.  Jennifer’s contemporary cowboy romance RANCHER TO THE RESCUE is an emotional, uplifting read.  I’ve read it and can highly recommend it to readers who love emotional love stories.  You can read my review of it, along with reviews by the rest of Team RBH, right here, if you’d like to know more about the book.  Meanwhile, let’s get to know Jennifer a little better…..

ANNOUNCEMENT:  The winner of Jennifer’s giveaway is Crystal Newman.


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What inspired you to become a writer?
I’ve wanted to be a writer as far back as I can remember. When I was a little girl I was fascinated with Dr. Seuss. It grew from there. When I was a teenager and found my first Harlequin during a sidewalk sale, I knew I wanted to be a romance writer. Life just threw me a few detours, but I refused to give up my dream. And at long last my dream has come true and I couldn’t be happier. Dreams really do come true. 🙂

What’s your preferred genre?
If you are referring to my writing then it’s most definitely contemporary romance. There’s just so much the genre encompasses from sexy billionaires to rugged cowboys. I have a million ideas for stories, I just need more time to write them all down. 😉  But if you’re referring to my preferred genre in reading, well that’s a horse of a different color. It’s always Romance, but I like to switch things up now and then. I really enjoy contemporary (obviously), intrigue/suspense, historical, and medicals. If the book contains sympathetic characters and a vivid setting, I’m a happy camper.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I’d say I’m a little of both. When I first started writing, I was 100% pantser. As a result, I ended up rewriting a book four times from beginning to end. That was a massive undertaking and not one I enjoyed. Let’s just say it was a huge learning curve for me. After that experience, I learned that it’s much easier to revise a synopsis/detailed outline versus a completed manuscript. With that in mind, I started working on my writing process. Now that isn’t to say my characters don’t head off on a detour now and then, but eventually they find their way back on track.

Sum up your book in a tweet (140 characters)
Hmm…RANCHER TO THE RESCUE in a tweet might sound something like this: Running from the paparazzi, a bride finds herself at the mercy of a reluctant rancher who knows what it’s like to be exposed in the tabloids.


Damsel in a wedding dress!

Jilted at the altar, celebrity chef Meghan Finnegan flees the scene–and the baying press–only to run straight into the muscled torso of Cash Sullivan. The former rodeo champion knows what’s it like to have your life crumble in the spotlight, so he offers Meghan a place to lie low at his ranch. Fresh air, no paparazzi and the brooding rancher’s lazy smile are making Meghan not want to leave her sanctuary. But she and her unborn baby can’t stay here forever…can they?

Get this book at:  Amazon   Amazon UK
Jennifer will be giving away a copy of the book to one lucky commenter, a print book if won in the USA or a Kindle copy for overeas,  so please leave a comment before you go.

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Born in Dublin, Ireland 59 years ago, living in India the last 28 years. A freelance writer and blogger. Mother of four talented individuals and wife to a retired university professor.

21 thoughts on “Jennifer Faye with RANCHER TO THE RESCUE – and a GIVEAWAY!”

  1. Hi Jennifer,Yay! Happy release day! Congratulations! RANCHER TO THE RESCUE hits the shleves today!Great interview. Lovely to read all your answers to Maria's questions!Thanks Maria!


  2. My pleasure Nas, and I didn't know it was Jennifer's release day. Well, it's an honour to have Jennifer (and Cash and Meghan) on my blog today on this very special day. That's an honour for me.


  3. Nice interview, like the blurb. Look forward to reading this. You're a new to me author but like what you write!contemporary romance with sexy billionaires to rugged cowboys – just the kind of books I like!JoAnnejbcweiss AT sbcglobal DOT net


  4. Thanks so much!I love the boots too. I've been checking various boots out online. I used to live in them when I was a teenager. Now I don't have any. The problem is picking out just one pair…to start with. 😉


  5. Oh I really enjoyed this interview. I felt almost as if I was sitting there right beside Jennifer hanging on to her every word! I think maybe Jennifer has described how we all came to love and write romance novels! And Rancher to the Rescue sounds wonderful! xxx


  6. I LOVE Dr. Seuss. I bought them for my kids and some day when I have grandbabies, they are going to have loads of Dr. Seuss. Those stories are perfect for kids. Fun, entertaining and lyrical.


  7. I'm getting tired and making typos. Okay, trying this again.Edith, I'm so touched that you enjoyed the interview. I hope you'll get a chance to read my debut. I had a great time writing it. Cash and Meghan were great characters to work with.Thanks for chatting! 🙂


  8. Hi Jennifer, have just read the reviews of your book, including the one by Maria, and it sure does sound like my kind of story. And I love the cover – it's a bit different from the traditional cowboy image, and very appealing.Congratulations on all your wonderful reviews and all best for sales.


  9. Hi, Cherie! So glad you like the sounds of my debut. 🙂 And no it isn't a traditional western, even Harlequin didn't designate it as a western. I guess it's a little different…just like me. LOL.Thank you!!!


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