MBB welcomes British author Christina Hollis today.  She’s here to talk about her latest release HIS MAJESTY’S SECRET PASSION, which sounds like an intriguing read indeed.  Christina Hollis is an experienced author who hasn’t been afraid to experiment with the different genres of romance fiction.  Her latest release is from The Wild Rose Press.


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  1. Can you share a short bio? I was born in Somerset, England and met my husband on a blind date.  I’ve been writing all my life, and became a full-time author when we moved to the Gloucestershire countryside. I produced lots of non-fiction articles for national magazines before turning to fiction. My first full length novel, Knight’s Pawn, was published by Harlequin Mills and Boon’s Masquerade line. During a career break to raise our family, I wrote short stories. Then in 2007 I wrote my first Mills and Boon Modern Romance, The Italian Billionaire’s Virgin. My current release, His Majesty’s Secret Passion, is published by The Wild Rose Press. I write contemporary romance starring complex men and independent women–when I’m not cooking, gardening or beekeeping. My books have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and I’ve sold nearly three million books worldwide. 
  2. What inspires your writing?The cut and thrust of relationships is a big inspiration for me—the problems of friends becoming lovers, and sparks flying when opposites attract. As well as romantic conflict, I like to capture the countryside in all its moods. I’m lucky to live where there are miles of forest tracks on the  doorstep. Walking in the woods is a great way to kick start my imagination.   
  3. What made you press on with this writing project when things were difficult?  Because they must have been, sometimes. I love the characters of Leo and Sara, the hero and heroine of His Majesty’s Secret Passion, and wanted to see them get their happy ever after. It’s as simple as that! And you’re right, every author has moments  when they despair. It reminds me of the last twenty minutes of childbirth. There always came a point in the labour room when I said, “That’s it. I can’t do this. I want to give up and go home!” In the same way I couldn’t walk away from that situation, I can never leave a book unfinished—no matter what.
  4. Please sum up your plot in a tweet sized sentence. Here’s the plot of His Majesty’s Secret Passion in a tweet: When a King on vacation tempts a woman with a broken heart, seduction in the sun leads to danger…
  5. Future plans? My current release, His Majesty’s Secret Passion, is the first book in my Princes Of Kharovaseries for The Wild Rose Press. The second book, Her Royal Risk, comes out  in April and I’m putting the finishing touches to the third book, which has the working title of Heart Of A Hostage. Then it’s on to the final book in the series. I have characters and plot ready to go, so all I have to do is dream up a title, and start writing. In the meantime, I love to hear from readers. Catch up with me at http://www.christinahollis.blogspot.com, on Twitter (https://twitter.com/ChristinaBooks), Facebook, http://on.fb.me/1Ee1urM, and see a full list of my published books at http://www.christinahollis.com/books.html


Leo Gregoryan is determined to be the perfect king. Loyalty to his country means sacrificing his own happiness, but he’ll divert the energy he once poured into his dream of becoming a doctor toward royal duties. All he needs right now is a stress-free vacation–no future queen need apply. Sara Astley escapes to the luxurious Paradise Hotel after she’s dumped by her partner, who then stole the promotion she’d expected. She hides her broken dreams behind a tough exterior. Her stubborn streak makes her a challenge Leo can’t resist. His special brand of hands-on persuasion seduces Sara into enjoying the holiday of a lifetime. Their fling can’t hurt either of them–or so they think. Leo’s focussed on being the ideal hero. Sara knows what she wants, and that’s independence. Then a revelation tears them apart, meaning things can never be the same between them…


One Kindle copy giveaway of His Majesty’s Secret Passion

Link to signed copies giveaway on Goodreads