Giveaway and Interview – Valerie Parv on Love Among Aliens

ANNOUNCEMENT:  The winner of  Valerie’s contest is Teresa Ashby.  Congratulations Teresa.

Please welcome Valerie Parv to the blog today.  Valerie has come to talk to us about her new novel BIRTHRIGHT.  This is a romance novel with a difference – set in outer space

Romance is all about the characters

According to international best-selling author, Valerie Parv, the framework of any romance novel is so basic it’s often mistaken for a formula. Man meets woman. They’re powerfully attracted to each other but a major problem keeps them apart. Solving the problem while getting to know each other leads to their happy ever after. Valerie says what makes every story unique is who these people are and how they solve the problem to earn their HEA (that’s  authorspeak for ‘happy ever after’, in case you didn’t know).

Valerie, you’re primarily known as a contemporary romance novelist.  Why have you written a romance novel about space and aliens this time? 
This story has taken me to the stars, but it’s really not that big a stretch. I’ve always followed the space program, enjoyed science fiction, and been a Trekkie since forever. I have a big “thing” for David Tennant, the only Doctor Who that matters! And don’t get me started on Torchwood’s John Barrowman, the sexiest, most fascinating character in SF for years. They have all the qualities a hero needs.

So you’re big into science fiction?  I see.  I know about Star Trek and Doctor Who, they’ve been around forever, though I haven’t seen them in years.  Totally out of  the loop that way.  I had to Google Torchwood and John Barrowman, they’re a bit too recent to come in the area of my scant knowledge of all thing sci-fi. Yes, Barrowman is hero material for sure. Tell me something, Valerie.  Space and aliens – how do they fit into romance? 
As long as two…beings…are attracted to each other, and have a problem to solve before they can be together, it doesn’t matter whether they’re humans, vampires, werewolves or aliens. Modern romance has room for many different stories and characters, in my case, gorgeous foundling and resident genius, Adam Desai and sexy SF writer, Garrett Luken. Then there’s Elaine Lovell, a media psychic who tells everyone she’s an alien, although no-one believes her. While writing, I could see Charlize Theron playing her in a movie.

Your imagination is obviously fired by science fiction characters.  If you could be any science fiction character, which would you choose?
I’d probably be Amy Pond who gets the best of both worlds – to marry her hero, Rory, and have adventures with The Doctor in the Tardis who like the characters in Birthright gets the best of both worlds. What’s not to love?

The companion to the most recent incarnation of Doctor Who?  Fantastic serial.  I haven’t been able to get it in years, though I used to be a fan many moons ago. Yes, I get your point.  Thank you Valerie.







Former police officer turned deputy governor, Shana Akers, is used to handling high-stakes situations. But after learning that a space shuttle mission about to be launched from her island home may have a shocking secret agenda, she must turn for answers to the man who has challenged her mind and emotions for years.

Scientific genius and space center director, Adam Desai, is a truly self-made man. Found adrift at sea as a baby, he knows nothing about his origins until two VIPs attending the launch force him to confront the truth about his past, changing everything Adam has ever believed about himself.

Faced with a danger that threatens the entire world, can Adam and Shana find the strength to trust not only each other, but the mysterious VIPs whose unusual abilities defy logical thinking? Especially when it becomes clear that they’ll need all of their combined resources to reclaim humanity’s…BIRTHRIGHT.

Birthright a near-future romantic suspense available now on Amazon 


Valerie has very kindly agreed to give away a copy of Birthright for Kindle, personally authorgraphed, to one lucky commenter.