Nicole Flockton with RESCUING DAWN – and a GIVEAWAY

Today, I welcome Nicole Flockton  to MBB.  She writes  contemporary romances with either a medical setting or in the boardrooms of high powered business. She enjoys taking two characters and creating unique situations for them. Apart from writing Nicole is busy looking after her very own hero – her wonderfully supportive husband, and her two fabulous kids. There will be a kindle copy giveaway of RESCUING DAWN to one commenter!


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ANNOUNCEMENT:  The winner of Nicole’s giveaway is jcbweiss.  Congratulations.

What inspired you to become a writer?
Getting involved with a group of girls on a romance community board and trying our hand at writing our own story. I decided I could do this and then started writing from there.

What’s your preferred genre?
Definitely contemporary. I like modern settings. I fear if I did a lot of research for a book I’d get bored with it and then would never write the darn thing!

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Oh I’m a pantser all the way! LOL I can’t plot. I will do a synopsis but it’s pretty bad and I generally find I don’t stick with what I’ve written in it.

Sum up your book in a tweet (140 character)
“He helps saves lives, now he wants to save hers.” #RescuingDawn

What’s next for you?
I’ve just finished up writing Phoebe’s story. Phoebe appeared in Masquerade and Rescuing Dawn and so I knew I had to write her story. Now I’m working on a short story to go into an anthology with a couple of author friends of mine and then I will start to write the 4th book of a continuity with Crimson Romance. Plus a few other things. I have too many projects I want to complete and not enough time!


He helps save lives, now he wants to save hers. Dawn Granger has loved and lost and it’s a road she’s not prepared to travel again, that is until her past turns up and has her questioning her resolve.

Andrew Holmes has sailed the globe numerous times, when he almost loses his life, he decides he needs to give something back so he returns home and trains as a paramedic. When he runs into his former sweetheart he is surprised to find an attraction he thought dead come to life. When he sees the sadness in Dawn he knows he will do anything to make her smile again.

Dawn tries to resist Andrew but their past pulls at her in ways she thought long dead. Can she trust a man who’s run out on her once before? Can she risk putting her heart on the line again? Or will it all be taken from her again.

GET YOUR COPY HERE:  Crimson Romance  Amazon   Amazon UK  Kobo

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Born in Dublin, Ireland 59 years ago, living in India the last 28 years. A freelance writer and blogger. Mother of four talented individuals and wife to a retired university professor.

25 thoughts on “Nicole Flockton with RESCUING DAWN – and a GIVEAWAY”

  1. Hi Maria! Thanks for having me here today! I will have to make an addendum to your question about whether I'm a plotter or a pantser. I've discovered a new love – mind mapping. So I'm starting to mind map my stories. But if my characters take me on a different journey I'm cool with that too! 🙂


  2. Hi Nicole and Maria!Loved the Q&A! Now I'm wondering about this mind mapping. Is it an app, Nicole? Thanks for the interview, Maria!


  3. Hi Nicole, Hi MariaI wish there was an app for mindmapping when I was at school – Iloathed it and yet I've found years later it's helped me study. Anyway congrats on the release of Breaking Dawn. I love your tweet response. Looking forward to each and every book you release #hugefanhere 🙂


  4. Hi Tash!I have to say it was my husband that put me onto the mind mapping tool. I had so many things happening and I knew I had to get better organised. Thanks for stopping by. Glad you're my fan 🙂


  5. Sounds like a great book. You're a new to me author and I look forward to reading this and adding you to my authors I look for. Love contemporaries and your tweet summed it up nicely!


  6. Hi Maria!I think I'll always be a pantser because I don't think I could totally plot each scene out. With the mind mapping I've started doing it's just some ideas how I think the chapter should go. Of course my characters could have a completely different idea and I'm happy with that!


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