Sally Clements and the RUNAWAY GROOM – GIVEAWAY

It gives me great pleasure to welcome Irish romance author Sally Clements to MBB today. Sally has been published by the Wild Rose Press and she has also self-published.  She has a book out with Entangled Publishing at the end of this year.   She’s here to tell us a little about her new release, RUNAWAY GROOM.


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Sally, what made you become a writer?
Ever since I was a child I’ve loved reading and writing, and I started my first novel thirty years ago. Needless to say, this first manuscript remains unfinished, and long abandoned, but the urge to write has always been a driving force for me. In 2000 I did National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo), a challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days for the first time, and managed to complete an entire novel in 30 days. I’ve done NaNoWriMo a total of ten or eleven times altogether, and it taught me that I could start and finish a book – which was the first lesson that I needed to learn in my path to publication.

What was your first published piece?
My first published piece was a short romantic story for Love Stories Magazine. The day I held the magazine in my hand with my name on the cover and my story (with illustrations!) in the inside was a very proud one for me. My first published novel, Catch Me A Catch was published initially by The Wild Rose Press and was a contender for the Joan Hessayon Award from The Romantic Novelists Association.

Can you tell us a little bit about your main characters in RUNAWAY GROOM and maybe give us a summary of the novel in a Tweet sized sentence?
Matthew Logan has put a long-ago broken engagement behind him, and is focused on nailing a big contract for his advertising agency, Logan Advertising. The last thing he wants or needs is a reminder of the past, but when his ex-fiancée’s sister arrives on his doorstep, he can’t avoid the attraction that flares between them.

Fledgling dress-designer April Leigh is just about to launch her very first collection when disaster strikes. Her only option is to accept help from Matthew, the man who broke her older sister’s heart. She doesn’t want to like him, or learn his side of the story, but to her dismay, she can’t resist!

Tweet sized sentence: Does a runaway groom ever deserve a second chance?

What’s your daily writing target? Do you have to write a certain amount of words per day?
I try for at least 2,000 words every day, and am happy if I get 1,000, and jump around on the rare days that I top 2,000!

What’s next for you?
I have a ‘flirt’ coming out with Entangled Publishing at the end of the year, and I’m currently working on a new story which is a departure from my usual work in that it’s a New Adult romance with Paranormal elements written in alternate first person. I’m really enjoying writing this book! After that, I’m writing a book featuring Matthew’s brother…then another featuring his sister… luckily there are lots of Logans!


Seven years ago, Matthew Logan ran out on his wedding to June Leigh. Life is good for fledgling dress-designer April Leigh. She couldn’t be happier that her sister has found a new love, and is excited about her veryfirst commission, June’s wedding dress.
On learning June has invited runaway groom Matthew Logan to the wedding, April has to intervene. Matthew’s presence will ruin everything – her father hates him, and just the sight of him in the church might give her mother a heart attack.

Matthew Logan has no intention of going to June’s wedding, but intriguing April’s arrival on his doorstep sparks his interest and he can’t resist getting to know her better. When a disaster forces them together neither can denythe passion that combusts into a red-hot affair. Discovering the truth about the past shifts April’s feelings from lust to love, but bitter experience has taught Matthew to guard his heart.

When it looks as though Matthew will lose her forever, will he fight or flee?

Get it here:  Amazon  Amazon UK

Sally has very kindly agreed to give either a signed paperback copy or an ecopy of RUNAWAY GROOM, so please leave a comment before you go!

Meet author Rachel Van Dyken – Giveaway

ANNOUNCEMENT:  The winner of Rachel’s giveaway is Desere

I’m very happy to welcome Rachel Van Dyken to MBB today. Rachel’s one of my fellow reviewers on ROMANCING THE BOOK and she’s also an author in her own right with a prolific output and an impressive backlist.  Her recent release THE BET hit number one in the Amazon (paid) charts recently and was there for a number of days. I had a few question up my sleeve to ask Rachel and she very graciously took time out of her busy schedule to answer them.


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What made you decide to write?
I was a school counselor right out of college and also worked for the state as a therapist. Things were stressful to say the least. As a way to de-stress I started writing–and I haven’t stopped since! I always have a story of some kind rolling around in my head. It doesn’t feel like work for me. If anything, Im angry that I actually need to sleep!

What are your preferred genres for writing and reading?
I really enjoy writing regency romance.  Lately I’ve been writing a lot more New Adult which is a newer genre that just popped up within the last year or so. Historical romance is an escape for me and New Adult is just fun. I don’t know if I could choose between the two. 

Could you possibly enlighten me as to what the New Adult genre is?  I don’t know it at all.

New Adult books deal with more mature themes, they are books based on characters that are just out of high school and starting college. It’s a more coming-of-age genre. Good examples of authors in this genre are: Jamie Mcguire (Beautiful Disaster), Abbi Glines (Twisted Perfection), Monica Murphy (Second Chance Boyfriend) etc. Most of these books come with warnings so 12 year olds know not to pick them up. They aren’t by any means bad, so I don’t want you to get that impression, they just deal, like I said with  more mature life altering topics. Hope that helps!

Do you write according to a daily target or do you go with the muse, when inspiration hits?
I do both. I like to have a goal of at least 4000 words a day, some days I’ll write 10,000 words, and some days I can only get half of my goal. But I always write something. If Im stuck I open a different manuscript and write some of that then come back to the one thats on deadline. 

Can you describe your book in a tweet sized sentence?
One brother is right for her, one wants to use her. Who will she choose?

What’s next on your agenda?

I’m currently working on the third book in the Seaside Series entitled, “Shatter.” It’s been kind of difficult because I also have another book releasing this month! Somehow it ended up working out that I had a book a month releasing until June….I have no idea why….clearly I need a vacation from my computer 😉 My newest release (this month) is entitled Elite and it’s about a private college with lots of history and dark secrets. I’m really excited about it!

“I have a proposition for you…”

Kacey should have run the minute those words left Seattle millionaire Jake Titus’s mouth. Instead, she made a deal with the devil in hopes of putting her past behind her once and for all.

Four days.

She could do four days!

But she wasn’t counting on Jake’s older brother Travis being there to witness their farce of an engagement.

One thing is for certain.

One brother is right for her.

One wants a lifetime.

And one is in league with the devil.

She should have gotten Jake’s signature in blood.

Get it here:

Amazon     Amazon UK    

Rachel has very kindly agreed to give away a copy of the ebook to one lucky commenter.  Sp please leave a comment before you go.